By Vonda Skelton | January 1, 2013

Photo courtesy of sdmania/
Here it is, January 1, 2013. Can you believe it?
First of all, I want to say thank you. Thank you for coming back week after week, sharing your successes and frustrations, your highs and your lows, your acceptances and your rejections. Thank you for learning with me, laughing with me, and yes, sometimes even crying with me. Thank you for your encouragement and your challenge to keep doing what we?re doing here.
In looking back over 2012, I can see that we?ve been busy. This year, The Christian Writer?s Den:
- Celebrated 72 of your writing and speaking successes (and I know there?ve been many more that weren?t shared).
- Had over 311,255 words written and reported by followers in the MoGo7000 Challenge, and we still have December totals to go!
- Offered 158 writing opportunities with direct links to guidelines for most of them.
- Gave away at least 20 books.
- Shared advice from at least 17 authors.
- Gave away $100 in cash in the MoGo7000 Challenge and will do it again in another week!
Quite a bit, huh?
But during that same time, WE (you and me):
- Encouraged one another when we were down, frustrated, tired, and hurt.
- Heard first hand the frustration with trying to fit writing time into the chaos of interrupted life.
- Prayed with one another through hard times.
- Learned how to be better writers together.
- Pondered His Word together on Fridays and shared how God was speaking to us personally.
We learned, we grew, we tried, we failed, and we succeeded. And that is all part of the writing life.
2012 was a good year, and I hate to see it come to an end. But what joy to look ahead at what God has in store in 2013! Will this be your year to:
- Submit your first article for publication?
- Complete a novel?
- See your book on the shelves?
- Start your own blog?
- Go to your first writers conference?
- Try a new conference?
- Take the first steps to starting a speaking ministry?
I look forward to helping you reach your goals this year. What an honor and a joy to partner with you in this calling!
But on this first day of January 2013, would you encourage us all by taking a minute to share an accomplishment, a goal you reached in 2012? Big or small, it doesn?t matter. Whether it was a written goal you started out with at the beginning of the year, or an opportunity that simply fell into your lap, the key is that you took the next step, and the next, and the next. And that, along with God?s blessing, is what turns a dream into a reality.
After all:
Dreaming instead of doing is foolishness, and there is ruin in a flood of empty words.
Ecclesiastes 5:7
So, please tell us something you achieved this year. I?ll draw one name and will give a FREE copy of Cec Murphey?s Unleash the Writer Within! (Be sure to check back next week to see if you?re the winner!)
In 2013, will you dream?or will you do?
I pray God?s richest blessings as you seek to serve Him in 2013!
(Photo courtesy of sdmania/
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